When is the PA Firefly Festival?

Friday, June 28 and Saturday, June 29 from 7 pm to Midnight. Subscribe to the PAFF Newsletter at Pafireflyevents.org to get early notification of the online registration links.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Lights Out For Lightning Bugs

Once again, PA Firefly Festival and its partners are promoting a public awareness campaign to reduce and eliminate light pollution across Pennsylvania.  We know that Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) has detrimental effects on the mating of fireflies.  Competing light in the environment interferes with the fireflies' ability to see each other's flashes and be able to find each other to mate.   If they can't mate, then the future generations are lost. 

Anyone can participate in "Lights Out" by simply turning off the outdoor lights or shielding them from shining into the sensitive habitats in your yard.  Try installing motion detectors and timers (if you have security concerns) to at least decrease the impacts.   If you do it for one week, you may find you can do it all summer.  You will be helping not only fireflies, but other nocturnal creatures like moths, bats, turtles and birds. 

Human beings have also been impacted by ALAN, and you will do yourself a favor by allowing yourself to experience darkness.  One night this summer, go outside, sit and enjoy some darkness away from the lights of the city.  You may be surprised at how fast your eyes can adjust and what you will be able to see.  It just may be an extraordinary natural light show of fireflies or the Milky Way.

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