When is the PA Firefly Festival?

Friday, June 28 and Saturday, June 29 from 7 pm to Midnight. Subscribe to the PAFF Newsletter at Pafireflyevents.org to get early notification of the online registration links.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

PA Firefly Festival Inc. Adopts ESG for 2022

The PA Firefly Festival (PAFF) is committed to incorporating environmental, social and

governance (ESG) into their long-term planning at their September 18 board meeting.

Over the past two years, ESG has been incorporated by leading companies and non-

profit organizations into their long-term sustainability planning. Companies have moved

beyond verbally “supporting” environmental and social awareness by incorporating ESG

into every part of the organization.

PAFF has always embraced environmental and social responsibility. One core
mission is to use environmental science as a tool to unite diverse races and cultures

because everyone loves fireflies!

Adopting ESG will provide the following Benefits to PAFF :

1) Brings PAFF into the mainstream of corporate governance.

2) Promotion of ESG in all PAFF materials will inform potential grantors about

PAFF’s commitment to the environment and social responsibility.

ESG goals for 2022 include:

  •  PAFF will recruit additional culturally diverse environmental science academics to
join our advisory board.

  • Write a grant to solicit $5,000 of philanthropic support for providing up to ten days
of in-school PAFF presentations to fiscally challenged culturally diverse public

schools in 2022. Elementary schools will be the primary focus.